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empowering all students to excel

The School Committee initiated a Superintendent Search in December of 2023 to identify a successor for long-standing Superintendent Michael Messore. As of this notice, the School Committee is preparing to interview four finalist candidates for the position in early May. The goal is to have a new Superintendent hired by June so there is ample opportunity to onboard them into the role and our educational community. Full details follow below. 

In December 2023, Barrington Public Schools engaged Hazard, Young, Attea Associates (HYA) to spearhead the search for the next superintendent. With a nationwide scope and local insight, HYA boasts a track record of over 1,400 successful educational leadership searches at various levels. Dr. Henry Johnson and Dr. Jack Smith were identified as the associates to facilitate the search.

Dr. Johnson and Dr. Smith collaborated with the Barrington School Committee to chart out a timeline for the search. The position was advertised on the HYA website in late December 2023 to generate interest and awareness, with a commitment to furnish detailed information for candidates and stakeholders by late January 2024.

Engagement Phase

The search process commenced at the beginning of January with the engagement phase, marked by a thorough process to ensure alignment between leadership criteria and the school system's priorities. Smith and Johnson conducted meetings with diverse groups and individuals across Barrington to gather insights on the requisite skills and personal attributes desired in the next superintendent. 

Additionally, a comprehensive survey was circulated within the school system and the broader community, gathering valuable input. The feedback collected through these channels was instrumental in crafting a description of the Desired Characteristics for candidates, as well as a Leadership Profile Report, providing a solid foundation for the search.

A dedicated Superintendent Search Committee was formed in February, which began collaborating with HYA associates. This search committee was composed of representatives from all stakeholders in Barrington Public Schools, including teachers, support staff, administrators, students, parents, and school committee members.

Recruitment Phase

The Recruitment Phase kicked off when the position was posted on the HYA site in late December, running until the application deadline on March 15, 2024. Drs Johnson and Smith actively reached out to both applicants and potential candidates identified through the HYA network, employing extensive networking and advertising strategies to ensure a diverse pool of highly qualified candidates. By the close of applications, 27 individuals had expressed interest in the position, and materials for all applicants were furnished to the Search Committee Members.

Selection Phase: Rounds 1 & 2

In late March, the selection phase commenced, with the Search Committee members receiving applications, resumes, and references for all candidates. Employing a research-based approach designed to ensure inclusivity, the Search Committee thoroughly reviewed all applicants and identified those selected for initial interviews. 

First-round interviews took place on April 8, 2024, with all Search Committee members again actively participating in the process to identify finalists. Comprehensive insights from the search committee members will be provided to the School Committee ahead of their meetings with the finalists. Final interviews with the School Committee are being scheduled for early May. We will continue to keep the community updated as this process continues.

empowering all students to excel